Starving Ourselves Into Obesity

Oxygen therapy is the administration of oxygen as a therapeutic aid. Oxygen therapy benefits the body by increasing the supply of oxygen to the lungs and thereby increasing the availability of oxygen to the body tissues.


U.S. Surgeon General Richard Carmona, MD called it the greatest threat to public health today. It kills more Americans every year than AIDS, all cancers and all accidents combined. And it’s causing problems in children that were unthinkable 20 years ago. That is why the American Medical Association (AMA) is working to halt the spread of obesity.

In fact, they have been working so hard over the last 20 years that they have made ZERO progress at combating obesity. We keep getting fatter and they keep telling us how hard they are working on our behalf. What they don’t tell us is why we are getting so fat as a nation.

We are getting fat as a people because our cells are starving to death for essential nutrients, trace minerals, amino acids and vitamins. So we eat and eat and eat until our stomach is full – and as soon as there is room we eat more. There is a voice inside continually crying “food, food, food, food”.

But no matter how much we eat, as soon as there is room in our stomachs, our bodies, press us to eat more and more and more. At the same time, our cells slow down, reproduction slows too (a high source of burning calories) – so we get fat and sick and weak.

Our bodies are not screaming for more calories, more fat, more sugar. They are screaming for Beryllium and Gallium, L-methionine and Scandium, Tantalum and Zirconium… These nutrients, minerals, amino acids and vitamins used to be in our natural diet. But this is no longer so.

When was the last time you fed your cells these essential nutrients?

A month? A Year? A Decade?

Probably never.

A heavier, overweight Tom Cruise

A heavier, overweight Tom Cruise

You may have drunk thousands of sodas, gallons of liquor, literally tons of sugar, barrels of food additives and chemicals, and hundreds of milk shakes. But when was the last time you drank a mineral and amino shake for your own cells?

So our cells, our body, keeps demanding more food vainly hoping for the nutrients they never receive because they are hungry for those trace minerals, amino acids and vitamins.

And where is the AMA in this scenario? Are they using their strong-arm lobbying efforts to help us get nutrient-rich foods back on our grocer’s shelves? Are they issuing dire health warning to fortify the milk our children drink in order that they may not have to live a life dependent on pill-popping?

No, they are not.

Brittany Spears during one of her heavier periods.

They are quietly in the background caving in to the pressures that food manufacturers place on them to sit down and SHUT UP!

The AMA is not going to help us.

The FDA is not going to help us.

No one is going to help us…except we, ourselves.

A heavier Carmen Electra

Carmen Electra at her heaviest!

They tell us that we have to make the conscious decision of what foods we will eat. And even when we do, we never pick what our bodies need because it is not on the shelf at the grocery store. Fats, sugars, and hydrocarbons are on the shelves. Chemical additives are now in our food, not essential trace nutrients.

So we eat and get fat, eat more and get fatter – we fight feeling hunger continually trying to lose or maintain our weigh – as our cells slow down in function and get old for slowed reproduction – becoming weak and sick – calorie burning decreases – so we get still fatter and out body wants still more food.

For many, even going to sleep is difficult and they just keep snacking, because they are instinctively hungry – even if they already consumed 5,000 calories for the day. Their body does not want them to go to sleep until they eat – but to eat what the cells need.

It is starting to look pretty hopeless.

Food in our modern society so accessible a person needs essentially no body fat as a caloric reserve. We do not need to carry 20, 30, 40% body fat in case our crops fail or there is a famine. The body calls for fat when there is a perception of food shortage – and food shortage means nutrients, not just bulk calories.

We should be a particularly sleek and lean people. But we are hungry, starving, craving food – more, always nibbling, peaking in the refrigerator, desperate… incessantly. We look in the mirror and wish we could get at least a few pounds off our stomach – even in great despair – but we are just too hungry to fight it. Some invisible voice is demanding more food. Always, more food.

People can carry 20, 50, 100, 200 pounds of fat – and still feel like they are starving – because they are starving. Their cells are starving for minerals, amino acids and vitamins – they want them ALL, not just 3 or 7 or 11 of them…but ALL of them. So your body, your cellular body, always demands more food as powerfully as it demands that you breathe. The trillions of cells in your body will never give up screaming for and demanding the nutrition they need – and it is your best interests to listen to them – AND UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY ARE CALLING FOR. It is not more sugar, fat, protein or hydrocarbons.

It is full spectrum nutrition.

But as long as we succumb to the dumbing down that major food corporations and manufacturing lobbyist place on our well-weakened psyche…we will live more sickly and die earlier. And so will our children.

But there is something you can do. You can get motivated for 5 minutes and make a simple change in your lifestyle and that of your children which will guarantee that you can live a rich, full wholesome life and also never have to suffer from the debilitating effects of viruses, microbes, and/or fungi invading your weakened body.

You can stop being hungry and lose weight!

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Start your own Self-Administered Oxygen Therapy Program Today and Begin a new era of health in yourlifetime!


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About oxygenlynne

As I grow older, I watch in constant amazement as my friends become prescription pill junkies. They think that because these deadly pills with their massive side-effects are prescribed by a doctor, they are okay to take every day for the rest of their lives. I disagree. I do not believe we were meant to live like that. I have personally chosen the Oxygen Therapy Program for my life-long health. I hope you join me.
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33 Responses to Starving Ourselves Into Obesity

  1. Jim says:

    The truth about weight loss is that, none of the quick fixes work for it. It starts with a firm determination that you want to lead a healthy and active lifestyle. Once you achieve that mindset, the rest of the journey becomes very easy. We first need to plan with a sound mind what our objectives in life are and why do we want to loose weight. Once we decide to do it, it helps a lot to read weight loss motivating articles.

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  6. I normally dont spend time to leave comments, but it is difficult to find actual thoughts on this subject today. You did a lovely job in this blog post and I think I’ll check out your other articles as well. Keep writing!

    • Lynn says:

      Hi Natalie, Thank you for stopping by. You can subscribe to get a notice by email when I post a new blog. The link is on all of my blog posts. Thanks again.

    • Lynn says:

      Hi Natalie, Thank you for stopping by. I don’t think I have my RSS properly set up (I am still working on it) but you can subscribe to get a notice by email when I post a new blog. Thanks again.

  7. Can I take any other medications while using this?

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  9. Do you have to be a certain age to use this?

    • Lynn says:

      The only studies available on Oxygen Therapy shows that it was recommended for use as far back as The Spanish Flu of 1918. It was recommended for adults and children.

      You can review the proof, HERE and HERE

      But only adults can purchase, handle and administer H202 in America.

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    • Lynn says:

      Hi Percy, thanks for stopping by. I am pretty comfortable with my weight these days, but I will leave your comment up so that anyone else who may be interested can find you.

      Come again soon!

  11. Data Centre says:

    Hey man , thanks for sharing but this post is hard to read in Internet Explorer it is doubled up.

    • Lynn says:

      I’m sorry, I have Firefox. I will check it out in IE and see if I can find the problem.

      Seriously, though…IE has so many other problems, the last thing it needs is me on its butt! lol

      Thanks for visiting.

  12. Super-Duper site! I am loving it!! Will come back again – taking you feeds also, Thanks.

    • Lynn says:

      Hi Freda, thank you for your compliments. They mean a lot. Please feel free to subscribe to get an email alert when new posts are up. You can do this from any current blog post. Thanks again.

      See you soon!

  13. Your site looks very interesting and informative! I found your blog via Google while searching for colonoscopy video and your post regarding Starving Ourselves Into Obesity definitely captured my attention. I have seen many other so-called sites and they have been far from good quality.Your site has all the key ingredients to pulling in visitors.

    • Lynn says:

      Hi, thank you for visiting and for your kind words. I like to think that my passion for health and wellness well into our later years is what inspires me to continue to spread the word about oxygen therapy.

      You may subscribe to receive an email alert whenever new posts are made. You can do this from any blog post. Thanks for visiting!

  14. Great article, thank you. I am very interested in finding a diet that lowers my sugar intake. I currently have a sweet-tooth, and am finding it difficult to find meal plans, what to eat for snacks, etc. While diabetes is not something that runs in my family, I am still concerned and would like to be smart and take a proactive approach to my health.

    • Lynn says:

      You are smart to be concerned and want to take a proactive stance on your future health.

      It is expected that as we grow older, we will become infirm and dependent on prescription medications.

      But I do not feel that we are meant to live that way.

      I believe we can still grow older gracefully and I am using The Oxygen Therapy Program to make it happen for me. I hope you join me.

      Please watch this video, it will give you some ideas on how to protect your health for later in life.

  15. Lawn Care says:

    Interesting, I wonder what the statistics are on your first point there…

    • Lynn says:

      The first paragraph:

      “U.S. Surgeon General Richard Carmona, MD called it the greatest threat to public health today. It kills more Americans every year than AIDS, all cancers and all accidents combined. And it’s causing problems in children that were unthinkable 20 years ago. That is why the American Medical Association (AMA) is working to halt the spread of obesity.”

      The first point was made by the Surgeon General of the United States of America…did you mean ‘his’ first point?

      If so, I personally believe that GMO foods and Chemtrails are a bigger threat to public safety than obesity.

  16. Here’s a comment. Great advice =) Thanks

  17. @chels I know what you mean, its hard to find good help these days. People now days just don’t have the work ethic they used to have. I mean consider whoever wrote this post, they must have been working hard to write that good and it took a good bit of their time I am sure. I work with people who couldn’t write like this if they tried, and getting them to try is hard enough as it is.

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